Thursday, August 28, 2008

From this time forth...

This blog will no longer be updated at a consistent rate.

I now don't really have time to do this, nor am I as interested and as motivated as I previously was.
I really hope to however, in the future, begin work on it again and invest a bit more time in getting word around about it, maybe getting a bit more support and help.
I'm sorry to anyone who still looks at this blog every so often for any possible disappointment.

Though, at this point in time, if anyone sees this and wishes to continue what I have started, please send me a PM at Gaia Online.
My username is: Jeboo

It's been good working on this.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gaia's New Layout

It seems like Gaia is on it's way to finishing the new layout they promised.
They've currently just fixed up the number of tabs up the top, so I guess it's safe to assume that the rest of the features and re-design should be here soon.

Makes the right of the toolbar seem a little empty, but small complaints aside, lets hope this turns out to be one of the better re-designs they've done.

You can check out the announcement here.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Halloween Town? Or Holiday Town?

Finally, something to post about.
Though admittedly the news I post now could be old because I haven't been trying to find stuff for a while.
So excuse me if I'm a bit out-of-date.

Anyway, back to the story.
We now have a new place on the Gaia World Map! It's Halloween town.

It reminds me so much of Halloween Town from Kingdom Hearts (not that thats a bad thing), and the most obvious reason at the moment for it's existence is the Halloween event coming in a couple of months.

Though this has raised speculation that it's a "Holiday Town", and will change it's appearance every holiday we have.

Either way, very stylish Gaia. Very stylish.

Here, take a look! (Or, it's left then down from Durem)

The major source for this article can be found here.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Urn Poses

There's been another mini-evolution by Picolitrosso's Urn recently.

They both appear to be hats/head-gear.


On another note, I've been away and not up-to-date recently, because I'm hosting an exchange student. It's getting kinda busy, and I haven't been able to look for things to post about.
But I should be back to finding stuff on a more regular basis in about a week.
Thanks for your patience.

The major source for this article can be found here.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gaia Raises $11 Million

It appears that these days Gaia is making quite a bit of money.

I'm not sure if this evens out the whole thing we were hearing a while ago, about Gaia being short on funds due to keeping servers maintained and paying staff, but even so this is great that they're getting a lot more funds these days.

You can find the full story here.

I found the link to the full story, however here.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Skins Explanation!

Woah. I found this excellent explanation of how the skins are gonna work.

Thanks a lot to Cube B for letting me quote him.

"I can explain.

Coming monday, Skin Tyte will begin to carry 13 new potions, (and the Zurg drink)

5 of them are new skins based off of the manga. 1 is the vampire skin, and 6 are special potions that allow you to switch between basic skins.

The 13th one is Experiment 105, a special potion for Grombies that allows them to return to Grombie form after switching skins. It only works for grombies though. (No Grombie re-release, sorry)

The price of each potion varies. Basic Human potions are very cheap, as are most Halloween skins, but more complex skins are more expensive. Apparently all the Halloween skins and many other new skins will have potions made as well in the future."

It looks as if Grombies are gonna be happy with this kind of arrangement, allowing them to swap back and forth.

Personally, I like this idea. All the skins in the one place, and the versatility to change between them (provided you have the gold).
Congrats, Gaia. I think you will have done a good job with this system.

The major source for this article can be found here.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Skins Update

Okay, so I'm not entirely sure what is happening with the skins. Though, there is this little scrap of info.

Previously, we assumed the permanent event skins were going to be sold in the Cash Shop. But, apparently a Gaian threatened to do something to the Cash Shop, and so they haven't been released.

I have no idea what-so-ever about the threat that was made.

The major source for this article can be found here.

[The next day]

Okay, so now Gaia have decided to release them in Skin Tyte. Yay! But on Monday.

It's a little late, you'd think they'd release them a little earlier to let people use them more during the event.

But, oh well. At least whatever problem there was is now sorted.

Blog Credits

It is worth noting that this blog is updated from Australia, so whilst the dates for some articles seem old by a couple of days, they're more recent than they appear. Australia is basically in a GMT +10:00 zone.

This blog is brought to you by the following Gaia Online users:

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Thank you to those who have allowed us to link to their guides.